Sunday, October 19, 2008

O - PALIN!!!!!!!!

 Although I have many different political views than those of Sarah Palin, I must say that as a entertainer, can't say I wouldn't be a fan.  Sarah I think has missed her calling.  As we all know SNL set record breaking viewing numbers with Palin gracing the show as the head liner.  It actually turned out to be a very good show. We all know that Tina Fay (30 Rock) has taking the Palin skit to another level, actually playing Palin better then Palin plays herself.  They crossed paths on the stage but didn't exchange any words or had skits with each other throughout the night. She might be a little salty with Tina of her portrayal, but hey Sarah, you have given Tina a lot to Portray! Rather see you on SNL then as a VP!

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