Saturday, November 1, 2008


  For real McCain, give up. This is not a fight for you nor your party right now. Is this all y'all can come up with at the bottom of the 9th ending? Copying off Microsoft's "I am a PC" commercial is not getting a point across. 1st off, it seems to me that the folks in this commercial all make less than $250,000 that will make them qualify for Obama's tax break. This is a mess to me. Please people, leave a comment and let me know what you think of this! 


Anonymous said...

Wow. That was a bootleg commercial and you are right.. all of those people looked like middle class so not to be rude but they don't need to worry about being in a higer bracket that the tax proposal will even affect them. I was disgusted with the way he tried to sell his plan as "we shouldn't be penalized for success". Im so glad things turned out the way that they did. That man is a jackass.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That commerical was horrible. You are right in stating that if they are in fact all middle class then they wont be affeted by the tax proposal anyway. And the way he tried to sell it as "we shouldn't be penalized for our hard work" to people who will probably not reach that level of success financially so they cannot fully even comprehend what the plan is actually built on or what it entails.. is sickening.

I am so glad this man is not our next president. Soo soo glad.