Sunday, October 5, 2008


   An all white female jury (and Judge) decided that OJ Simpson would not get away this time. He was found guilty on all 12 charges in his trial including armed robbery and kidnapping.  On the 13th year anniversary of his acquittal for the murder trial in one of the biggest nationally publicized case ever.  This case has payback written all over it. When sentenced, OJ can receive up to a minimum 15 years to maximum of life in prison. An appeal will not cut any of that time at the moment. I do believe that in about 5 years an appeal will free OJ once this case is investigated and the Jury is interviewed by officials on there decision.
  A Jury questionnaire released this weekend shows that five of the jurors in O.J. Simpsons recent robbery trial said they disagreed with the 1995 verdict where Simpson was found not guilty for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Information from the questionnaires said that all 12 of the jurors had heard of Simpson and all but one new of his acquittal 13 years ago. One juror had agreed Simpson was not guilty, four said they were unsure, one said they had no feelings for it, and one didn’t answer the question. Eleven of the jurors identified themselves as being white, while one said she was hispanic. All of the members of the jury did say they would give Simpson a fair trial on his latest charges. Does this sound like a fair trial to you? Would you be happy to have 5 people on your jury that believed you should be in jail? And I am going to play the race card here, I can’t believe that there wasn’t one black person in the jury! Say I am crazy but really, not every white person in America, especially Los Angeles, loves black people. Common sense. I think this jury was unfair and unbalanced. Do I think Simpson was not guilty in this case? Not sure. But he does deserve a more unbiased trial, with a much more diverse jury that has not heard of him before. 

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