Friday, October 24, 2008


  This is a beautiful thing. This shows the sincere and heart felt thoughts from the people that we celebrate everyday. This is the first Presidential election that i feel as if I am truly a part of change. Everyone has their own reason for electing the best candidate.  Here is mine. 

  First of all I come from a community that 90% of my neighborhood was on public assistance. Not by choice but had limited opportunities and needed that assistance.  There were some who worked and received food stamps because they had kids and their salary wouldn't cover expenses. Some would be on disability assistance and some just UN-employed. But when ends don't meet, you have to have other alternatives. People may condemn others who are on welfare and public assistance with accusations of being lazy. That is not the case. Being on welfare is not an option but exactly what it's called, "public assistance.'" Look at the middle class people who are caught up in this new modern day recession that has been caused by banks and credit bureaus through what the republican party deemed reformation. They made us believe that making housing ownership available to all was away of getting us one step closer to the American Dream.  It got us a step closer to poverty. I've seen this before over 20yrs ago in my neighborhood.  We all know or have friends who are losing their homes and going into foreclosure.  The $700 million dollar bail out is suppose to be the savior in this crisis. 1st it goes to the banks, then the banks are suppose to refinance homes and give mortgage cuts and make loans available. These people need assistance! I could go on all day about this but I'll make it short. John McCain told the tax payers and small business owners that sharing the wealth by taxing those who make over $250.000 wasn't a good idea. That it would not allow the creation of new jobs in our communities.  Let's look at this way, even if Obama chose not to increase taxes on the small business owners, what type of pay can these "small" businesses offer that will help our economy? In today's society with the increases in petroleum and groceries and the real estate crash, what would be an applicable salary? Not that which McCain is opposing. So there for I am choosing Barack Obama because I believe that a change will be made! Not for me but for my children that have not found a place to be born yet! Lol! I had to add a little humor in there. Please vote and let's start somewhere and help build a better future for our future! This is only a small part of my reasons for choosing Obama, but one that needs immediate change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful !