Friday, October 31, 2008


 Volunteer and help reach those who are not sure and need that final push in this upcoming election. Be a helping hand and let's all support and help get Obama/ Biden in office. Bring your cell phone and let's make it happen! Follow this link for more info.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lebron James hosting Jay Z Concert

  LeBron James hosted the free Jay-Z "Last Chance for Change" concert for Obama in Cleveland in front of over 20,000 fans. This concert started 30 minutes after the Obama public announcement. They represented big time. Jay was rocking the Lebrons VI's and gave them to a kid in the audience after his performance. Let's vote people vote! 


  Today I didn't feel like going out, soooo me and the fam decided to stay in and cook. We cook together and i'm being taught as I go along (because you never just start off knowing how to cook everything!) and my task for today was "Taco (turkey meat) Casserole.  I got assistance from my Lil Homey fresh ta def  "Treadmillin P" It came out good and taste even gooder! (Ebonics) Hahahaha when you've attended GTown and Northeastern, you can get away with speaking like that. Lol! The food was great and we did our thing. Shots out to Yo-Yo for the recipe! 
                                    Had to brown the meat and cook the beans 1st
                                   Add the seasonings to the meat
                                                Taco seasoning amongst some other things
                                   Spread the beans over top of the meat
                                   Sprinkle a layer of cheese over the meat and beans
                                   Now it's ready for the oven

Then presto! Sooooooo Good!



  The BDay week is coming up starting November 7th. You know a bro gotta be fresh for that. Soooo..... My good ol' buddies @ Black Label sent me there new line, "Gun Metal" to hit the scene 1st and fresh! These jeans are off the chain! The print, wash feel are all there. The official stamp comes from yours truly! The shirts are all original prints and ready to hit the party. Gun Metal is the brand for the BDay! Now waiting for my shoes. Stay tuned...


  No hard feelings against anyone but it's a wrap for me at Josephine's! I promise and that's my word! A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about the trouble a bouncer always give me entering the club.  (Find it here... Big Duffus) Well last night it hit the fan! As referred too, Big Duffus tried me again. This time I was expecting it and ready. So I walk up to the club and Duffus immediately goes, "Oh, not tonight!" Again I didn't say anything and let the promoter handle that. He whispers something in the bouncers ear and the bouncer yells, "who the f*** is Lonnie? I don't give a shit!" Boom! It was on! I didn't want to make a scene but i had to respond. First off that's disrespectful, 2nd who am I? I told him "nobody, a dude that's going in this club", he said "I can't tell". The other security dudes knows me and grabbed him up and filled him in on the situation and he came back and apologized. It shouldn't even had gotten there but there is ignorance in this world. I wonder why he's like that towards me? Hmmm..... did I bust his ass on the court before? (he is like 6'9) Do I know his girlfriend? hmmm.... possible. Or is this Big Duffus jealous because I'm going to party or he's going to work at a party? What ever the reason, it's been real @ Josie's I'm done!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


  All I gotta say is if you haven't been invited, you have not been deemed as a Social King or Queen! This is the night of DC's finest! A party of "Highly Anticipated People!"  This is the Dinner Club, where we take care of our ladies. Let's walk through Monday's party.  First we started off with a dinner buffet that is so good it makes you order from the menu because you want more! The buffet is free from 7-8:30pm. Fellas imagine coming in a club (because you know we don't show up early for the food) and seeing a room full of beautiful ladies relaxed and sitting around enjoying the food and sounds and enjoying the night. It's a beautiful scene. Then you have the football game that comes on @ 8:30. That doesn't stop the party, as I said before we take care of our ladies! And... we do that by passing around complimentary shots to the ladies and to top the night off, every table where there were ladies sitting received a free bottle of champagne. Oh yeah it's a party! Well to attend, fellas you need a table and ladies, just do you when your out and if your sexy enough, someone will invite you because you deserve it! Next Monday it's the Redskins vs. Steelers Game party and Presidential Election Celebration! 


  Well if you saw the Celtics game last night, you would have saw a a 10lbs lighter Paul Pierce and a fierce group of young cats getting at it hard against Lebron James and the Cavs.  Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen didn't attend that game, or better yet, they were there but didn't show up. Enough of them already because the "Late Show" is off and running! That's right, who needs to run a triangle when you have a healthy Andrew Bynum and Paul Gasol clogging up the whole? The leagues MVP locking up as usual, a pesky Derek Fisher and the deepest bench in the league. Oh yeah, add Sasha Vujacic and this years 6th man of the year Lamaar Odom and folks got problems out West! The league is in trouble! The defense had the young Trailblazers way out of sync last night although Rudy Fernendez showed that he is definitely the truth! The Lakers set the tone for what will be a season run for the money! Boston, we hope y'all make it back because the Lakers will be waiting! 

Andrew Bynum's 21st BDay @ Club Ivar in LA

  This is what you do the night before your season opener when you turn 21. While other players are resting and trying to start off on the right foot, you get it in! Especially when you're playing with the "2009" NBA Champions LA Lakers! That's right you heard it here 1st, 2n, and 3rd! Hey, you're only 21 once! 

Monday, October 27, 2008


This is the tragic ending to yet another hideous crime in our world.  So sad that these things happen. We always wonder why. Who will ever know. I do know that we all need to have faith and a relationship with God, that's the only way we can make it through these times. Everywhere we look it's something negative, something trying to hold us down.  These are signs! We can not make it in this world alone, if you think you can, please let the rest of us know how! My prayers goes out to Jennifer and the rest of her family.

Friday, October 24, 2008


  This is a beautiful thing. This shows the sincere and heart felt thoughts from the people that we celebrate everyday. This is the first Presidential election that i feel as if I am truly a part of change. Everyone has their own reason for electing the best candidate.  Here is mine. 

  First of all I come from a community that 90% of my neighborhood was on public assistance. Not by choice but had limited opportunities and needed that assistance.  There were some who worked and received food stamps because they had kids and their salary wouldn't cover expenses. Some would be on disability assistance and some just UN-employed. But when ends don't meet, you have to have other alternatives. People may condemn others who are on welfare and public assistance with accusations of being lazy. That is not the case. Being on welfare is not an option but exactly what it's called, "public assistance.'" Look at the middle class people who are caught up in this new modern day recession that has been caused by banks and credit bureaus through what the republican party deemed reformation. They made us believe that making housing ownership available to all was away of getting us one step closer to the American Dream.  It got us a step closer to poverty. I've seen this before over 20yrs ago in my neighborhood.  We all know or have friends who are losing their homes and going into foreclosure.  The $700 million dollar bail out is suppose to be the savior in this crisis. 1st it goes to the banks, then the banks are suppose to refinance homes and give mortgage cuts and make loans available. These people need assistance! I could go on all day about this but I'll make it short. John McCain told the tax payers and small business owners that sharing the wealth by taxing those who make over $250.000 wasn't a good idea. That it would not allow the creation of new jobs in our communities.  Let's look at this way, even if Obama chose not to increase taxes on the small business owners, what type of pay can these "small" businesses offer that will help our economy? In today's society with the increases in petroleum and groceries and the real estate crash, what would be an applicable salary? Not that which McCain is opposing. So there for I am choosing Barack Obama because I believe that a change will be made! Not for me but for my children that have not found a place to be born yet! Lol! I had to add a little humor in there. Please vote and let's start somewhere and help build a better future for our future! This is only a small part of my reasons for choosing Obama, but one that needs immediate change.


This fool is crazy! Don't want to offend anyone with the language but this is the original pilot for the commercial. Thanks for the tip from my homey A.O. on this one. Hilarious!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


The Norwegian newspaper VG has reported a truly amazing story about a newly-wed trying to get to Norway to be with her husband, and the stranger who helped pay an unexpected luggage surcharge. The blog "Leisha's Random Thoughts" has translated the story.

It was 1988, and Mary Andersen was at the Miami airport checking in for a long flight to Norway to be with her husband when the airline representative informed her that she wouldn't be able to check her luggage without paying a 100 surcharge:

When it was finally Mary's turn, she got the message that would crush her bubbling feeling of happiness.

-You'll have to pay a 103 dollar surcharge if you want to bring both those suitcases to Norway, the man behind the counter said.

Mary had no money. Her new husband had travelled ahead of her to Norway, and she had no one else to call.

-I was completely desperate and tried to think which of my things I could manage without. But I had already made such a careful selection of my most prized possessions, says Mary.

As tears streamed down her face, she heard a "gentle and friendly voice" behind her saying, "That's okay, I'll pay for her."
Mary turned around to see a tall man whom she had never seen before.

-He had a gentle and kind voice that was still firm and decisive. The first thing I thought was, Who is this man?

Although this happened 20 years ago, Mary still remembers the authority that radiated from the man.

-He was nicely dressed, fashionably dressed with brown leather shoes, a cotton shirt open at the throat and khaki pants, says Mary.

She was thrilled to be able to bring both her suitcases to Norway and assured the stranger that he would get his money back. The man wrote his name and address on a piece of paper that he gave to Mary. She thanked him repeatedly. When she finally walked off towards the security checkpoint, he waved goodbye to her.

Who was the man?

Barack Obama.

Twenty years later, she is thrilled that the friendly stranger at the airport may be the next President and has voted for him already and donated 100 dollars to his campaign:

-He was my knight in shining armor, says Mary, smiling.

She paid the 103 dollars back to Obama the day after she arrived in Norway. At that time he had just finished his job as a poorly paid community worker* in Chicago, and had started his law studies at prestigious Harvard university.

Mary even convinced her parents to vote for him:

In the spring of 2006 Mary's parents had heard that Obama was considering a run for president, but that he had still not decided. They chose to write a letter in which they told him that he would receive their votes. At the same time, they thanked Obama for helping their daughter 18 years earlier.

And Obama replied:

In a letter to Mary's parents dated May 4th, 2006 and stamped 'United States Senate, Washington DC', Barack Obama writes:

'I want to thank you for the lovely things you wrote about me and for reminding me of what happened at Miami airport. I'm happy I could help back then, and I'm delighted to hear that your daughter is happy in Norway. Please send her my best wishes. Sincerely, Barack Obama, United States Senator'.

The parents sent the letter on to Mary.

Mary says that when her friends and associates talk about the election, especially when race relations is the heated subject, she relates the story of the k ind man who helped out a stranger-in-need over twenty years ago, years before he had even thought about running for high office.

Truly a wonderful story, and something that needs to be passed along in the maelstorm of fear-and-smear politics we are being subjected to right now.

UPDATE: Thanks for the recommends, folks! Also, remember this was 1988, when 100 dollars was quite a bit of money, compared to today's value.

By the way, this would be the perfect antidote to the Smear E-mails going around. If anyone has a good long email chain list, shoot it out, and let it be passed along.


  Hey, if you look amongst a crowd, you see people, but when you look in a crowd like this and you see your boy stand out like a soar thumb, it makes you something like a big deal! Lol! A Lil early fun that's all, no conceit in that. But when Michael Jordan and Bob Johnson walks in the building with security moving swiftly at a non-stop pace to get them to there seat and for 5 seconds, ball head (Mike) double takes and see you and stops the train to say "what's up boy? How you doin?" You've done a Lil something right! M Jizzle graced the stage of Josephine's last night thanks too a tip from a 6'8 slim Cat from S.E. Got a text from a good friend last night saying MJ trying to go out. MJ went to Lima, L.H. or P.O. whatever you call me, told M.J. to go to Josie's. And just think, the other big ball head dude tried to give me a hard time again to get in! Lol! I think some promoters over there need to show a lil love foreal! That's big when Bob Johnson and M.J. walks in your door off of GP. But you know, I do it cuz i can and not cuz I'm a fan you digg. I dropped the swagg for blessings and they show up in dresses! "I'm So Way Up!"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

DC'S TALENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I received this video last night from my home girl Aesha Lady A. Check out her skills and the boy they call Judah's production! And they say all we got is Go-Go music. Sheeeeee it's mighty funny that it gets popular when Ludacris does it, Jeezy does it, Chris brown does it... I've figured it out though. It's just us! DC is looked upon differently from all sides of the fence. To the south we north, to the north we south. We're not a state! Not only did we use to be the Murder Capitol, but we got King Murder himself living here in the White House. So basically we're a black sheep city. A city of cast outs but every bodies jocking our fresh! 

DB for Vice President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   Let me tell y'all about this dude! David Banner is a hood or should I say an intelligent hoodlum! This dude can converse about anything. from politics to grams to hip hop to sports. He's a very facilitated dude! Dave came into town along with Taalib Kweli and performed at the 9;30 club. He missed my dinner party but finished in time to party afterwards. Anyway, let me tell you a story that was my generations equivalent to a rebel movement. We played a And 1 game in Mississippi back in "2003" that's when i met Dave in his hometown of Jackson. He performed at halftime his hottest single at the time, "Like A Pimp." It was police at every corner of the basketball court while he performed. He climbed on top of the basket and told a crowd of over 5,000 to come on the court and party. The whole crowd ran on the floor. The police was like, "everybody go back. Dave said on the mic, "I'll make them tear this mf'er up and it's nothing y'all can do about it!" The police proceeded to take cover. Then this when the power came in. Dave stood a top of the basket and said, "hey y'all, go back to y'all seats," and in a matter of seconds, 5'000 people left the court and went to there seats with out any problem or tragedies occurring. It reminded me of the scene in Malcolm X when Denzel held his hand up and ordered the people off at the police station and the cop said, "that's too much power for one man to have!" (I was there also back in "92" i was an extra in the crowd. Spike Lee was a Georgetown fan and invited us to the set.) Anyway, Dave is the man for that one! If you missed Dave, he'll be back for my annual BDay weekend starting Friday November 11Th, with Common at Love! See ya!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


  Sometimes I see things and it makes me just feel like a kid. Just thinking that one day I'll wake up and go toy shopping and just go get this on GP. But it's not that E-Z. This is the new Maybach Landaulet. For a measly 1.4 Mil you can drive this and be whoever you want to be. Lol! This just isn't fair. How the hell this is going to come out doing a recession? Well, this just proves that it doesn't effect everyone! Check it out here... Landaulet



Oh yeah people, DC got a new swagg spot.  I'm sorry for those who couldn't make it and for those who just didn't know about it but the swagg meter was out of this world last night! This is one time I can truly say that quality killed the quantity in the venue! The food was excellent, the ladies were the sexiest group brought together in one building that I have seen in a long time and the dudes were all official and poppin off! No names needs to be called but who's who in town was in the building! This is the most exclusive spot in town and will continue to stay that way. Don't worry about trying to get in because there is no promotion. Nope, either you know somebody who knows somebody or your just plain short. If you hear the buzz, you better follow it! 

Monday, October 20, 2008


  It's funny that i start off all of my weekend partying venture story's with, "Is it me...." Well here we go again. Lol! Is it me, or is Howard Homecoming getting wack(er)? At 1st it you could come to Howard's homecoming and party with people from across the country, celebs and Puff would throw party's that shut the city down! Now it's like a kiddy fest and the regular local party spots.  Don't get me wrong but D.C. is poppin right now on the club scene thanks to Marc & Taz. With party's like Layla Saturday's and Park on Thursday & Sunday, you can look forward to a who's in the building party.  But dang, the Homecoming use to be different, oh well, guess we're getting too old for that. Next year we'll just hit the road at that time and let the kids have it.  Before I go, i have to mention the peace & love i'm rockin on my chest! That was a shirt giving to me by the ADIFU brand located right here in the DMV. ADIFU stands for "Authentic Designs Imagined & Formed in Unity!" I really like the designs and the fresh new look. Check out they're Myspace page. Also my homie Transito from "Greedy Genius" footwear. Check out his Myspace page here... Greedy Genius

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Supports Barack

For all of you who haven't heard yet, former secretary of state Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama. This is a huge endorsement for the democratic party.  He spoke of why he chose Barack instead of McCain and why he thinks that Sarah Palin isn't ready to be a President of the United States. You can read more here... Colin Powell Endorses B.O.

O - PALIN!!!!!!!!

 Although I have many different political views than those of Sarah Palin, I must say that as a entertainer, can't say I wouldn't be a fan.  Sarah I think has missed her calling.  As we all know SNL set record breaking viewing numbers with Palin gracing the show as the head liner.  It actually turned out to be a very good show. We all know that Tina Fay (30 Rock) has taking the Palin skit to another level, actually playing Palin better then Palin plays herself.  They crossed paths on the stage but didn't exchange any words or had skits with each other throughout the night. She might be a little salty with Tina of her portrayal, but hey Sarah, you have given Tina a lot to Portray! Rather see you on SNL then as a VP!

Friday, October 17, 2008


  As you know Mrs. Knowles-Carter has a new album coming out soon and she has released her track list and album covers and you can check them out over @ Necole I'm pretty sure ya'll seen the new videos B put out, "If I Were A Boy" and "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" Once again she has put out a workout video for the pouchy chics. Lol (on the low) The dancing on single ladies is sick! I don't care what anybody says, B & Ciara have two different styles of dancing, but to me, I rather watch B any day! She is sick! Not only can she dance but she's a freakin fine a** Lady! B's the winner! (Oh yeah, after my two favorite Forty Somethings, Stacy Dash and Halle Berry!) 


  Well, Joe the Plumber's fame has come to an end! When Senator McCain shouted on TV at the final Presidential debate, "Congratulations Joe the Plumber, you're rich!" He didn't know that Joe was a fluke! Seems to be that Joe the Plumber who attacked Barack on issues of taxing people who makes better than $250,000 will hurt small business. Well let's check on Joe's small business: Joe doesn't have a plumbing license, works for a small company and makes $42,000 and he also owes the IRS $1,200. Lol! That's another ploy that's down the drain! Last night on David Letterman, McCain joked in his apology saying, "Sorry Joe the Plumber!" McCain is a joke! That's what he gets for trying to ride off of every issue Obama confronts without speaking on his own plans to heal the wounds of America. To be the President, you can't lead a country by retaliating, you have to form your own plans and carry them out as such! Sorry McCain, if you wanted to run against Ross Perot, you should have done so in 1992! B.O. is way to intelligent for that!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


  My President is a man/ woman who is committed to his people.
My President is someone who is not perfect but strives for excellence!
My President is consistent and focused.
My President offers change and opportunity!
My President will at least make his peoples burdens feel lighter by helping carry the load with showing us progress!
My President tells us about his family and his life that we can relate to and not about his comrades.
My President is a Democrat.
My President looks like me!


Not much to say but, how about these for Christmas? I'm single.... Lol! Prada got damnit!


    This is the Greedy Genious "Vader Purpo." This is a hot shoe! I'm a high top freak, for some reason i dig'em a lot. This shoe with a nice pair of jeans and any kinda shirt will be fresh! What people don't know is that you don't have to match purple. purple can go with almost anything accept green. (Well it can go with green as long as it's in your pocket!) Lol. So watch the streets for these and keep checking my fresh, checkin, checkin my fresh!


  Is it me, or all of these clubs are getting out of hand with the capacity? These days you can't even get comfortable at your own table.  Security!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not mad that folks come through with security, it's to keep all you lingering mofo's away! Josephine's has went from sexy and exclusive to a get in  where you fit in! For the 1st time in my life has a door man denied me access into a club. Oh, before I continue, shout out to Joe the Plumber, Dave, Ray, Omari & . This big Duffus with the ball head about 6'8 tried to put me on blast! I walked up and this dude said, you need a collar shirt and some better shoes! Wow! Let's start like this, 1st off i had on a "PlusMinus" shirt that i personally purchased in Italy that makes only a few styles of each shirt and no online store which makes it super exclusive. 2nd, I had on all white high top Tru Ambitions, thanks to the homies at Ok now, after he went there I stopped didn't respond and just stood there. After about exactly 20 seconds, Ray walked up gave me a pound and told the dude to let me in. He said something in Dave's ear and Dave said hold up a sec. He got the head security dude and Big Duffus opened the rope and i entered. He was actually got mad and did like a tantrum stomp. Duffus, it wasn't that serious! Don't be mad cuz you my height and about 140lbs over weight and I'm slim & white boy sexy (Lol!) and probably older than you and Living my Life! Anyway, I had a good time at Josie's and will go again. But fellas, watch the crowd because it's getting a Lil un comfy! Shout out to Joe the Plumber and the dude in the club w/ the white tee and a yellow bandanna! How the hell he get in? 

Keith's Suit

 I posted this picture last night after the presidential debate because...I just had to. I can do that, this my blog! Lol! Not that ya'll care or even know who he is but he has on a fly a$$ suit! This is Keith Olbermann from a political show called "Countdown with Keith Olbermann. " All these ballers and entertainers, take note of this coordination! Look at the quality of the suit and how the pinstripes stands equal with a proud red Polk-a-dot tie! You don't see one more than the other, both demands equal attention. This is dressing! Thumbs up to Keith.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dinner Party

 I'm having a private dinner party on Monday October the 20th for a select group of people. I can't reach everyone i want to come so please contact me if you read this. Obviously my associates have my info thanks!

Don't Let the Smooth Taste Fool You!

The New Jersey Nets are in London right now and they strolled up on a local court and bumped into an old street legend by the name of Justin tanner. They didn't know who Justin was and you guys probably don't either. Anyway they sent me this footage of a quick game. Well, Devin Harris was at the park and called out anybody to play a game of 1-on-1 but the game only went to two baskets. Here's why! Streetball is for real!

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Weekend

  This weekend me and my And 1 crew played in a charity game for Aids @ Howard University. The turn out had a packed house with guest appearances by Eddie Winslow Jr. (played on Irkel's show don't know his real name but famous for stalking Super Head) Fonzwoth Bentley (this do said i don't wear shoes i wear slippers and did some gay a** slide. Lol) and performances back Rock City and Konvict recording artist Red Cafe (the dude can rap) Anyway, the game was serious and seemed a little personal at 1st. We were down 10 until the rain came. That's jump shots if you didn't know. My homies in the pi shown from left to right, Baby Shaq, High Octane and A.O. came to play and royally kicked some a** to an all female crowd that received condoms as a gift of Aids awareness and threw them on the court! Lol! Great game!

 After the game we went to Layla Lounge. Layla reminds me of the Platinum days with a better dress code and a little more women. It's packed from wall to wall and if you get there to late, no getting upstairs for you! It's poppin! Oh yeah, Skye lounge, Skye Lounge, Skye Lounge...


  This is a nice and chill way to spend the evening. A nice lounge in the heart of downtown DC that's comfortable and has great food and drinks. Come through and if you're lucky, i got the bill! Past guest are Clinton Portis, Raheem Devaughn, Jerome Bettis, Andre Blatche, Chris Samuels, AJ (106 & Park) and many more.... Oh yeah, "Me!" 

Saturday, October 11, 2008


  I've been really getting it in these days. Seems since I've stopped drinking hard liquor that I'm back on the scene more often, but these days the clubs are trying to give me a good reason to be in attendance! "Love" the club, last night was nice! Danny Davis (Promoter) & Everette (Promoter) celebrated there birthday's together. Also I was kidnapped and forced to participate (as if i didn't have fun) in my home boy's (Curtis Yarborough) fiance's Bachelorette party. Awwww man was I set up! They had these cards and everyone had to randomly pick one and do what the card said (in the club). This was gong on all night! One card i drew ordered me to take a strangers drink and drink from it with out permission. Well.... with all these cases of Mono running around, didn't happen! My home girl Autumn aka Seezinz from Flavor of Love drew a card that said "change an article of clothing with the opposite sex and guess what... she chose me. Dang! lucky me her Lil shirt didn't fit. Lol! Anyway I had fun and I'm back at it tonight at Layla Lounge. The homie A.O. in town. Oh yeah, streetball game at Howard @ 7! Later...

Friday, October 10, 2008


  "The Park @ 14th" was the spot last night. Celebrating Shy Magazine's Launch of Shy T.V. Nice crowd, nice music (DJ Q) Hosted by Ms. Erica and brought to you by Marc & Taz in conjunction with Dave and Ray.  This was day 2 of the Bush! Lol! My buddy Scott was in town had the chics going crazy! LOl! and my lil homie Byron's alchi a$$ was in attendance. Tonight we @ Club Love for one of the areas promoting pioneers bday party Danny Davis. See ya there! Pics from last night here... Shymagazine


Word on the streets is there's a game going on tomorrow @ Howard University featuring some well known streetball players. From what i hear, this could be a preview of what's to come this year in the world of streetball.  This past year has maybe been the worst year for streetball. You don't hear about many good match ups, no big games or must see's. So.... this may be a good look! Can't give out the info of who the players are or the team but check back for footage after the game on Saturday. I can't wait!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


 A man told today how he was shot three times in a London street for wearing a Barack Obama T-shirt. Dube Egwuatu was buying a mobile telephone top-up card in an off-licence when the gunman confronted him and glared at the top, which carries an image of the Democrat US presidential candidate underneath the legend 'Believe'. The man then launched into a tirade of racist slurs, shouting 'I f***ing hate n*****s' and urging 36-year-old Mr Egwuatu to leave the shop with him. The rest of the story here... mailonline


  It's time to take a trip to the "A!" Let's go witness a show that has a line up that has potential to be a good look. jay Z, lil Wayne, chris Breezy, Souljah Boy, Jermaine Dupree, Kanye and more. And thennnnn....... imagine the parties! Hahahahaha I know ya'll say thats all i do. Not true. I will make up a reason to do business in the A. Anyway, Hotlanta is going to be off the chain. If you didn't plan on going already, here's the info:

Atlanta Civic Center

United States
Thursday October 23, 2008 at 8:00pm
Atlanta Civic Center (Boisfeuillet Jones Atlanta Civic Center)
395 Piedmont Ave Ne
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Category: Festivals
bet hip hop awards 2008
more at... BET.COM

Josephine's Night Club DC

  Oh yeah, I hit  the town last night rockin the nappy, (as only I can) to the hottest Wednesday night party in the country! This spot is the sexiest party that i've been to in awhile. DC''s Finest eye candy through out the building, tables all sold, bottles poppin, hot DJ and go-go dancer working the pole. The set up and vibe of this place is perfect. We got it in! Howard's Homecoming is next week so it's going to get a lil crazy in DC. get ready... 



  I hope my wife looks like this at 42! Sorry ladies, this puts a lot of pressure on y'all lol! This is amazing to be this sexy at 42 and just dropped a baby. Hally is definitely the sexiest in my opinion. The people at Esquire thinks the same as she was voted to be the  "Sexiest Woman Alive." Read her article as she talks about her sexuality in a so grown and sexy way. She talks about what she calls "The Big O," and how she has total control over it and she lets her man share the experience. Check it here and let me know what you think! ... Halle's Esquire interview

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


  That dude is back! You don't know no corner got a swagga like us! Hov touching down around the same time he does every year with that early christmas present. can you imagine the concert this year since he signed that $150 mill contract with live nation? Kanyeezee back on the tracks and new(lywed) motivation. 1st it was 9/11 when he dropped the 1st Blueprint, now 3 comes for the recession. Maybe Jay is a lil street savior!

Monday, October 6, 2008


  These shoes were designed for those who dare to be different! Tie them up tight for a Euro look or rock the laces loose like a sneaker freak, rock Henne while you drink it. (I don't condone that) These are from the hip luxury brand "Jhung Yuro" $300 bones! travel more and you can cop these. Other than that, you can find them here.

 For her, there is nothing sexier than lace. Add the powder blue and she's getting preggo (for her pasta kids) with just these on! Enough said! Oh yeah, they're christian louboutin only 35 pairs made you can find the "Mouche Zeppa" here... Price: £515.00/ $711

The Doughnut Cheeseburger?

  Are you serious? People do and eat some nasty food. I bet all of you alchi's would love this after leaving Park or Layla lounge. LOL! I'm going to tell Mark & Taz to add this to the menu. This is straight diabetes and high cholesterol with no chaser! Read the story here...
Meet The Doughnut Cheeseburger

Sunday, October 5, 2008


  This is a nice and sexy way of viewing a football game. Sounds crazy? It's true! How about indulging in a vast selection of Mediterranean dishes and quench your thirst with a selection of over 30 flavors of Martini's while enjoying the game with the sexiest of the sexy in the sexiest lounge! Oh yeah, while the football game is on. Lol! This is my 1st weekly event and it's just for the people who know how to chill and have a good time. Network, flirt, dance, drink or what ever you like. Happy hour starts @ 6 the game is @ 8:30 and we close when the last person leaves. Come through and enjoy yourself in a different way. "The Skye Lounge" people who came through; Jerome Bettis, AJ (formerly of 106 & Park), Lavaar Aarington, Clinton Portis, Andre Blatche (Washington Wizards), Raheem Devaughn, Angel "Lola" Love, Seezinz, Kevin Durant, Fred Davis (Washington Redskins) 

Live Your Life Performance Live In LA

Check out T.I.'s new hit of the year "Live Your Life" along with appearances by Rhianna and Kanye who also performed a snippet from his new song Heartless. Kanye rocking his new signature sneakers by Nike and Rhianna sporting some new junk in her trunk. OK Chris Breezy!

New Video: Usher - Trading Places

My favorite video right now. Got dangit, change it up ladies! I like to be pampered too! LOL!

Craigslist Helps Criminal Escape Robbery

   A man went on to Craigslist and posted a help wanted ad, which at least a dozen people showed interest in. These people were told to meet outside of a Bank of America at 11:00 a.m. wearing a yellow vest, safety goggles, a respirator mask… and, if possible, a blue shirt. Those people did so, not knowing what was in store for them, except for a cool $28.50 an hour.

Little did they know was that a man, wearing the exact same thing as the other dozen people, was robbing an armored truck parked just outside the Bank of America. The robber sprayed the guard with pepper spray, grabbed the bag of money and ran about 100 yards to a creek and escaped.

While I don’t condone robbing banks, what this guy did was absolutely amazing. He hired a dozen people, unbeknownst to them, to help him pull this robbery off. This is just like something out a movie. Kudos to the guy that pulled this off without getting caught. Story from...


   An all white female jury (and Judge) decided that OJ Simpson would not get away this time. He was found guilty on all 12 charges in his trial including armed robbery and kidnapping.  On the 13th year anniversary of his acquittal for the murder trial in one of the biggest nationally publicized case ever.  This case has payback written all over it. When sentenced, OJ can receive up to a minimum 15 years to maximum of life in prison. An appeal will not cut any of that time at the moment. I do believe that in about 5 years an appeal will free OJ once this case is investigated and the Jury is interviewed by officials on there decision.
  A Jury questionnaire released this weekend shows that five of the jurors in O.J. Simpsons recent robbery trial said they disagreed with the 1995 verdict where Simpson was found not guilty for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Information from the questionnaires said that all 12 of the jurors had heard of Simpson and all but one new of his acquittal 13 years ago. One juror had agreed Simpson was not guilty, four said they were unsure, one said they had no feelings for it, and one didn’t answer the question. Eleven of the jurors identified themselves as being white, while one said she was hispanic. All of the members of the jury did say they would give Simpson a fair trial on his latest charges. Does this sound like a fair trial to you? Would you be happy to have 5 people on your jury that believed you should be in jail? And I am going to play the race card here, I can’t believe that there wasn’t one black person in the jury! Say I am crazy but really, not every white person in America, especially Los Angeles, loves black people. Common sense. I think this jury was unfair and unbalanced. Do I think Simpson was not guilty in this case? Not sure. But he does deserve a more unbiased trial, with a much more diverse jury that has not heard of him before. 


Sarah Palin Goes After Barack Obama For His Connection To Domestic Terrorist William Ayers - Funny bloopers R us

  This woman has a major problem! 1st of all, she does not have her own view or make sense on any political issues. Her strategy is to attack information formulated by others. As we saw in her debate against Bide, she didn't answer any questions. No... she just basically cross examined everything that he said. She's a mess. Please all register and vote!

Are you ready for some football?

  It's football Sunday and the phone is off the hook! The food is out, my fantasy lineups are set (in my 5 leagues) and I'm ready! Here are my pics for the week:

1.) Chiefs vs. Panthers - Panthers: Steve Smith looks good after his 2 game suspension
2.) Bears vs. Lions        - Bears       : "Rivalry" I like the Bears and Forte and the process of                                                                          turning Hester into a #1 reciever! Oh yeah, the "D" is 
                                                             back in the CHI!
3.) Falcons vs. Packers  - Packers: Too much offense for the Falcons and an experience defense                                                                 will rattle the young #1 draft pick at the helm.
4.) Chargers vs. Dolphins- Chargers: This is my Blowout Pick the Dolphins win against the                                                                             Patriots was a fluke. The Chargers will prove that.
5.) Seahawks vs. Giants - Giants: Giants are a complete team.
6.) Redskins vs. Eagles - Redskins: The Skins are back! Plus I got to root for the home team.
7.) Titans vs. Ravens - Titans:      Their 4-0 start is not a fluke. Chris Johnson the fastest running                                                              back in the league will have a big game versus this Ravens 
                                                             rejuvenated defense. 
8.) Colts vs. Texans - Texans:         I can not pick Peyton, sorry!
9.) Buccaneers vs. Broncos- Broncos: I'm loving this offense. It reminds me of those high scoring                                                                   Rams during their Superbowl run!
10.) Bills vs. Cardinals - Bills:          Marshawn Lynch, Marshawn Lynch, Marshawn Lynch...
11.) Patriots vs. 49ers - Patriots: We are on our way back! Don't sleep, just enjoy the ride!
12.) Bengals vs. Cowboys- Cowboys: I don't like them but i got to go with T.O.!
13.) Steelers vs. Jaguars - Jaguars:  The Jags found their rhythm!

Monday Night Football/ Happy Hour @ Skye Lounge 1919 Ist N.W. WDC (Plug lol!)
14.) Vikings vs. Saints - Vikings: The NFL's 2 most exciting players go head to head Reggie Bush                                                           and Adrian Peterson. You don't want to miss this show! 
                                                          Plus Kim Kardashian will be there.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The And 1 Mixtape Tour!

  Well, well, well... I have been getting a lot of emails and thousands of Myspace hits, Twitters and what ever else social networking thingies you can think of asking me what happened to me and And 1.  I never speak on things that can't be told detail to detail so that a person won't get half the story and create the rest. (Like the media giving Palin the win over Biden) And 1 is still my family 1st of all, the And 1 company was sold from it's original founders to a new group. At that time a member of the front office left and created their own team called "Ball 4 Real." Players chose sides and the team split up.  I didn't choose either side and chose that time to establish myself as a business man for life after basketball.  I've still played ball during that time in professional leagues and summer leagues to stay on top of my game.  every time I step on the court it's somebody coming at me and playing the best game of there life! (I can't fall off. A lot of confidence and demeanor's have been destroyed during this time) It's been three years since then  and now it's time to return. Something like a Brett Favre or a Jay orrrrrrr a MJ you know. It's just the love for the game I guess. Just can't stay away! See y'all this summer!

Cool Hoops!

Cool Add For Nike Basketball - Watch more amazing videos here

Gadget Freak!

   Oh yeah, i Love my iPhone but i am going to cheat on her for the 1st time! Look at this hot chick right here! She's coming home to me October the 22nd via T-mobile. The screen isn't as fly nor is it's frame but she's a good chick on the side. Check out her measurements; She's 4.6 x 2.16 x 0.63 inches, weighs 5.6 ounces, features a 480 x 320 HVGA display, sports 3G (obviously), GPS, has a 3.1-megapixel camera, supports up to 8GB of memory (though no format is mentioned), and will feature 5 hours of talktime with 130 hours of standby. Strangely, the phone won't do video capture (what?), won't have stereo Bluetooth, will require a Gmail account, and won't be sold at stores outside of a 2-5 mile radius of T-Mobile's 3G coverage areas. That last bit sounds a little odd to us, but we're guessing a lot of the functionality of this device will be shot in non-3G regions. Oh yeah, it's a Google phone.! See ya soon babe!

Kimbo Slice Goes Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

   Got damn! On the CBS' debut of Elite XC's ultimate fighting, Kimbo Slice goes down to a replacement fighter. Ken Shamrock (his original opponent, had lashes to the eye that enabled him from showing up. Ain't that some shit! Some guy with red and black spikey hair got the call today that he would be fighting Kimbo and knocked him out with a short right cross that dropped Kimbo to his knees in 14 seconds of the opening round and pound Kimbo out til the ref stopped it. Who would have thought? I'm just hoping that it's not a political situation and Kimbo took a dive on National television. I hope he has more pride then that! But it is a depression! Oh yeah, the fight was in Fort Lauderdale and during his interview, he shouted out the sponsors, homies of Dade and mentioned the after party and said nothing about the fight. So... we know who really won.